Functional Rehabilitation consists of a variety of corrective and performance exercises with the goal of improving your movement and function in everyday living. Exercises are custom-tailored based upon the findings of your movement screen.

Once movement dysfunction(s) have been identified from our thorough evaluation and movement assessment, a custom-tailored corrective and performance exercise program will be implemented with the goal of returning the patient/client to their regular activities of daily living while maintaining a pain-free state.

When a particular muscle is not doing its job correctly (inhibition), other structures have to pick up the slack causing them to become over-stressed. This is called altered motor control and can be due many factors including frequent sitting, sedentary lifestyle, poor postural habits and previous injury. This causes undue tension in aforementioned over-stressed muscles, ultimately leading to pain and injury. Corrective exercises are designed to curb altered motor control by stimulating the inhibited muscle(s) in functional patterns which translates to more efficient movement in sport and everyday activities; thus, increasing performance while decreasing the risk for injury.

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